Xiaomi 12S Ultra vs Mi 11 Ultra shootout check out. The Xiaomi 12S Ultra was officially unveiled last week, and we are working on a full review. It’s part of our process for assessment to take a lot of picture samples – lots of examples.
Let’s look at some sample photos from the new phone, including comparisons with the previous model from Xiaomi – the Mi 11 Ultra. As this is a review, we felt you might like to see some photos we’ve shot, including analogue footage from 2016’s primary camera – the Mi 10 Pro.
Xiaomi 12S Ultra vs Mi 11 Ultra shootout check out
We’ll leave the technical aspects of image quality for review. For now, enjoy the sights! Reminder: you can use the “Compare” button to compare two images. This will allow you to reach a shot of a Xiaomi 12 ULTRA and an 11 ULTRA shot side by side, but also compare some of the shooting modes on board (which were co-developed by Leica). Our first photo is focused on that 1″ Sony IMX-989 sensor in their primary camera.