Sony adds 1440p support to the PS5 in the latest beta firmware

Sony adds 1440p support to the PS5 in the latest beta firmware. Today, Sony released a beta firmware update for the PlayStation 5 that includes two much-desired features: a 1440p output and game folders.
The 1440p output function is quite simple. Along with 720p, 1080p, and 2160p, the PlayStation 5 console can now also output in 2560×1440 resolution. Since the launch of the PlayStation 4 Pro, this feature has been demanded, but it has just recently become available on Sony gaming consoles.
Sony adds 1440p support to the PS5 in the latest beta firmware
- Compare 3D Audio and Stereo Audio
- You can now listen to and compare the difference between 3D and stereo audio on the same screen, and then choose your preferred setting.
- Easier Access to In-progress Activities
- When resuming a game, in-progress activities are often shown prominently at the top of the game hub to make it as easy and as fast as possible to get back to where you left off.
- Request Share Screen
- You can now request party members to start Share Screen to watch their gameplay. Go to the voice chat card, select the party member you want to send the request to, and then select [Request Share Screen].
- Joinable Game Notification
- When you join a party and a party member is playing a game you can join, you’ll now receive a notification. You can join the game directly from the notification.
- View New Friends’ Profiles
- When you accept a friend request in the [Received] list, you can now view your new friend’s profile in [Accepted Requests].
- Send Stickers and Voice Messages in Game Base
- In the Game Base card, you can now send stickers and voice messages to your groups.
Since the Xbox One X, Microsoft has had this choice. The games would function largely as predicted. While games rendering at 2160p will be downscaled to 1440p, those rendering at 1440p or lower will output natively. The existence of 1440p support is perhaps not all that shocking.