Samsung reveals 2,000 nit OLED display for smartphones. At CES 2023, Samsung Display showcased an OLED panel for smartphones with a peak brightness of over 2,000 nits. Certified by UL Solutions, Samsung’s UDR (Ultra Dynamic Range) 2,000 brightness rating is the brightest available on a smartphone display.
Similar maximum luminance levels are seen in the recently announced S95C and S90C quantum dot OLED televisions. Samsung Display achieved a brightness rating of UDR 1,500 nits on its latest panel. Samsung claims that the new UDR screen displays more true-to-life and vivid colours, which will be more apparent in direct sunlight.
The revolutionary UDR smartphone display may debut on Samsung’s forthcoming Galaxy S23 series. However, this is still up in the air. The iPhone 14 Pro series, which Apple uses Samsung Display’s OLED screens in, can reach a peak brightness of up to 2,000 nits, making it suitable for HDR video.
Samsung reveals 2,000 nit OLED display for smartphones
One of the most important measures of a screen’s performance is its brightness range and ability to maintain it, especially with the emergence of ultra-high-definition content. The high-brightness devices from Samsung Display provide a more lifelike image and a more nuanced colour palette, enhancing the viewing experience.
As a result of smartphones being used both inside and outdoors, the screen brightness is more crucial than that of a TV, monitor, or laptop. Samsung Display increased the brightness of smartphone screens while keeping the phones’ low battery usage and organic materials.
According to Samsung Display’s Head of the Product Planning Team for Small and Medium-sized Displays, Hojung Lee, “the brightness of a display is a factor that has a considerable effect on the customer experience of smartphone picture quality and performance.”
According to an industry expert, “Samsung Display will continue to dominate the market with innovative products based on consumer-oriented technology thanks to the company’s unique technology and business expertise in the OLED space.”