Samsung Odyssey Ark 55″ curved gaming monitor launched in India. This is Samsung’s Odyssey Ark 55 “Today marks the launch of the curved gaming monitor, which was first shown in August in India. It may be purchased from Samsung’s official Indian website for INR219,999 (about $2,655 / €2,725).
In addition to the standard 3-year guarantee and immediate cart discount of INR10,000 ($120/€124), Samsung is also providing consumers a 2TB Portable SSD T7 Shield USB 3.2 for free till October 9. From now until October 31, 2022, buyers of the display may save INR10,000 ($120/€124) at checkout and get a free 1TB Portable SSD T7 Shield USB 3.2 with their purchase.
This 55-inch Odyssey Ark is a “display with a 16:9 aspect ratio and 4K resolution with a curved screen. Display specifications include a matte finish, 1000R curvature, 165Hz refresh rate, and 1ms reaction time.
Samsung Odyssey Ark 55″ curved gaming monitor launched in India.
The 60W audio output of the curved gaming monitor is generated by its four speakers (one in each corner) and two center woofers compatible with Dolby Atmos. The Cockpit Mode gives players the feeling of being in a real cockpit.
In this setting, you may adjust your screen’s height, tilt, and pivot to provide the best viewing experience. Odyssey Ark 55 “Ark Dial, a solar-powered monitor controller that can be charged through USB-C, is also included in the package. Learn more in our Samsung Odyssey Ark 55 Review “Learn more about the coverage of the unveiling here.