Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra reaches in India with Green Color. The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra launched in India in the middle of February, and had just three colors to pick among: Phantom White, Phantom Black and Burgundy. A fourth colorway is out, Green.
The color is currently accessible on and will be available on Amazon too. It is important to note that there will be only one configuration of memory that you will find in this color: 12GB of RAM and 256GB storage (this is the same in Phantom White as well). Phantom White color as well). The price is identical to the launch price, 110,000 rupees.
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra reaches in India with Green Color
The 12/256GB version is the default configuration available in India because the 8/128GB version has never made it to the country. Samsung is offering a discount which offers a significant discount on its Galaxy Watch4 (44 mm, Bluetooth) up to Rs3000 (down from Rs 27,000) If you buy it along with an S22 Ultra.
There are three additional Galaxy S22 Ultra colorways, Graphite, Red and Sky Blue However, there’s no information on if or when they will be available in India. Also it’s true that Galaxy S22 and the Galaxy S22 and S22+ were available already in Green.