Samsung Galaxy S21 gets One UI 5.0 beta based on Android 13 Update

Samsung Galaxy S21 gets One UI 5.0 beta based on Android 13 Update. Earlier this month, Samsung launched the public beta for One UI 5 based on Android 13 for the Galaxy S22 series, and today this is also jumping to the Galaxy S21 smartphones.
So far, the beta program seems to have been started in Korea and the UK. Enrolling requires using the Samsung Members app, locating a prominent One UI 5.0 beta program banner inside it, clicking that, and registering your details and device.
Samsung Galaxy S21 gets One UI 5.0 beta based on Android 13 Update

Once that’s done, it’s usually only a few minutes until you get an update notification. The beta in question is labeled as build G99xBXXU5ZVHE, with “x” differing depending on which S21 trio you have. If you’re in the UK and want to test your hand at this, note that the beta is currently only available for SIM-free, unlocked units.
It’s unclear when it will make it to operator models. There will be some further beta builds for One UI 5.0, and if you’re registered into the testing program, you’ll receive each of those as it’s released as an over-the-air update.