Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G to launch in India on January 10. The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G was unveiled this week and was made available for sale in a handful of countries on the same day. It will be available in India on the 10th of January as per Gadgets360. Samsung hasn’t announced its Galaxy S21 GE 5G’s pricing and availability in India yet, however, it has started accepting orders for the phone on their Official Indian website.
Pre-ordering one is available to the price of INR999 ($15/EUR10) and receive an Galaxy SmartTag free. Samsung is confirming that its Galaxy S21 FE 5G will be available in India in 4 colors (Olive, Graphite, Lavender and White) however, the retail version won’t include the charger, meaning you’ll need to buy the charger separately.
The specs are impressive The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G features the Snapdragon 808/Exynos 2100 SoC. It also has 8GB of RAM as well as up to 256GB storage and Android 12 based one UI 4. The phone is constructed around the 6.4″ FullHD+ 120Hz Dynamic AMOLED screen with a fingerprint reader beneath and a hole punch for the 32-megapixel self-portrait camera.
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G to launch in India on January 10
The rear side on Samsung’s S21 FE 5G features a flash with LEDs and three cameras: twelve megapixels primary and ultrawide and an 8MP Telephoto. Its Galaxy S21 FE 5G comes with stereo speakers, NFC, USB-C, and an IP68 rating. The only thing that keeps the light on is a 4,500 mAh battery that supports 25W wireless and wired charging.
The phone is also able to charge wirelessly reverse. Read this Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G hands-on review here to know more about it , or view the video that explains its most important features listed below.