Samsung Galaxy M04 price leaks and is on the way to India. Samsung Galaxy M04 rumors have been circulating since the summer when a purported prototype appeared in a benchmarking database. The new model appeared on the Google Play Console just a few days ago, which usually means the release date is not far off. In today’s news, we learn that not only has its debut in India been confirmed but that it would be sold for less than 10,000.
In reality, if the picture from the promotional material accidentally published online is to be believed, the Galaxy M04 will cost no more than $8,999. The device has two cameras on the back and a waterdrop notch at the front for the selfie camera.
Samsung Galaxy M04 price leaks and on the way to India
Another allegedly authentic promotional picture claims the top-tier model would include an astounding 8GB RAM. However, this may reflect the addition of the expandable RAM to the fundamental physical quantity, which will begin at only 3GB, as per the Google Play Console entry.
In related news, the M04 has been seen, confirming its identity as a smartphone powered by MediaTek’s budget Helio G35 processor, with 4G LTE being its top speed limit and 5G not being available. Even though Android 13 has been released for a time, it may be launching with Android 12 since that is the version indicated on the Console. The screen resolution is 720×1600, and a fingerprint reader is included on the right side of the power button.