Samsung Galaxy A74 reportedly won’t exist, the A7x series ended

Samsung Galaxy A74 reportedly won’t exist, the A7x series ended. The A5x series of smartphones has been Samsung’s best-selling mobile device lineup for some time. However, up to this point, it has not been the most potent model in the A series; instead, that distinction has been held by the A7x. According to a recent report, however, all of that will change by the following year, and there won’t be any A7x devices anymore.
That’s correct, and the A73 was the very last A7x model ever produced. Samsung has said that it would not launch an A74 model in 2023, which means that the Galaxy A54 will be the flagship model of the A series in terms of both market appeal and raw specifications. While the information on other planned Ax4 handsets has been made public, no similar information has been made public regarding the A74.
According to rumors, this is because there is not currently an A74 in development, nor will there ever be an A74. This may seem strange, but consider that Samsung’s Galaxy A73 was already on the margins of the company’s product lineup before it was released. It was only made available in a lesser number of countries than the A72 was before it.
Samsung Galaxy A74 reportedly won’t exist, the A7x series ended
It’s possible that the story of the A73 was a hint as to what would eventually occur with the A74, but it’s more likely that it was just a coincidence. There has also yet to be a mention of a Galaxy S22 FE or S23 FE, which means an odd (and rather large) pricing gap between the A54 and the S23 that is wide open for Chinese rivals to exploit.

To leave oneself open to the opposition in such a way is, at best, a poor strategic move, but Samsung may have a plan which involves selling the S22 at an even deeper discount and fitting it in there. If we want to know the answer to that question, we will have to wait till the S23 is out. That, thank goodness, is just a few weeks away, and it is presently speculated that it will take place on February 1st.