OnePlus 9RT officially launching in India on January 14 alongside Buds Z2. Today, earlier in the day, OnePlus began to announce the coming of its 9RT in India, and the company has finally decided to inform us know when the launch will take place. The event will take place on January 14 at 5 pm local time.
This phone is going to be followed by its OnePlus Buds Z2. OnePlus Buds Z2. The OnePlus 9RT was initially unveiled to the Chinese market in October. This will be the first time it’s been seen in another region. We hope that India is only the first step on its global journey, but we’ll have to look forward to it.
OnePlus 9RT officially launching in India on January 14 alongside Buds Z2
The OnePlus 9RT sports a 6.62″ 10-inch 1080×2400 AMOLED display, and the Snapdragon 808 chipset 8/12GB of RAM 128/256 GB storage and three rear cameras (50 MP main camera with OIS, 16MP ultrawide, 2MP macro) as well as a 16MP selfie camera and a 4500 mAh battery that can handle 65W of fast charge.
This OnePlus Buds Z2 got announced in the middle of December to both the US and Europe. They’re now heading to India as well, providing ANC in a less expensive package than its predecessor, the OnePlus Buds Pro.