
OnePlus 10 Pro just receives OxygenOS 13 Open Beta 2 Update

OnePlus 10 Pro just receives OxygenOS 13 Open Beta 2 Update. The second open beta release of OxygenOS 13, which is based on Android 13, is now available for the OnePlus 10 Pro.


While handsets running the stable version of OxygenOS 12 will need to sign up for the beta program in order to experience the most recent versions of Android and OxygenOS, the OnePlus 10 Pro units that are now running the first open beta will receive the second beta in a few days.

The Aquamorphic Design theme for the OnePlus 10 Pro included in the most recent beta release. Additionally, it enhances HyperBoost GPA to version 4.0, which, according to OnePlus, balances performance and battery consumption in crucial situations while also enhancing system stability and performance. For all the information, please see the changelog in its entirety below.


OnePlus 10 Pro just receives OxygenOS 13 Open Beta 2 Update

This program is under beta testing, therefore it also contains some of the problems we’ve noted below.

This program is in beta, thus it also has some flaws that we have to It will take some time until the OnePlus 10 Pro receives the stable OxygenOS 13, even though Google yesterday released the stable Android 13 for eligible Pixel smartphones.

If you can’t wait, you can test the beta version, although it best avoided on primary devices as the experience might not as seamless as the stable build. For further information, click the source link provided below.


Robiul Islam

I'm a tech lover and also love to write about tech gadgets and mobiles. I am all about creativity with a purpose. Your satisfaction is my first priority.

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