Nokia X20 receives its first Android 13 Developer Preview

Nokia X20 receives its first Android 13 Developer Preview. At the I/O Developer Conference, Google released Beta 2 of the new Android 13 update. Joining Google in beta-testing the software is Nokia, which has just revealed its first device compatible with Android 13 to start today.
Nokia X20 receives its first Android 13 Developer Preview

With early access to the beta on Nokia X20 will come an extensive stream of test cases via a customer feedback app as well as the previous caution that these developments are best run with caution. The only officially confirmed X20 to be updated to Android 13 for now is a developer preview build and may refer to issues such as instability or performance.
If you’re brave enough to take the plunge now, however, go ahead and enroll your device by tapping into your “settings” app from your phone or heading over to My Device>Support>Android 13 Beta in order to symbolize pre-enrollment. You’ll then have 12 hours post-enrollment to test out the new piece of software before it arrives on your HMD Global handset as an update.