Motorola will release the 5G-enabling update for its smartphones in India. Motorola has just revealed that the Edge 30 Ultra and Edge 30 Fusion in India have received 5G-enablement upgrades in the previous few days and that nine other devices would get it by the first week of November.
Users of Motorola handsets may now switch between SA (Reliance Jio) and NSA (Airtel and Vi) 5G modes thanks to the latest software update. All Motorola 5G devices sold in India support 11-13 different 5G bands, including all eight Sub 6 GHz bands declared for the country.
We have already begun the rollout of over-the-air (OTA) software upgrades on Motorola devices to enable 5G across both SA (Reliance Jio) and NSA (Airtel & Vi) 5G modes concurrently. This will provide users with a seamless 5G experience across operators.
Motorola will release the 5G-enabling update for its smartphones in India.
Motorola’s Executive Director for the Asia Pacific, Mr. Prashanth Mani, stated in a press release that “our updates on the recently launched Motorola edge 30 ultra and edge 30 fusion have already been rolled out, and other Motorola 5G devices will receive the updates in subsequent weeks, targeting completion by the first week of November 2022.”
Motorola isn’t the only smartphone manufacturer in India releasing software upgrades to support 5G networks. Smartphones from Samsung will get the update the following month, while iPhones from Apple will start receiving it in December.