iQOO will launch the iQOO Z9 5G in India on March 12. This device is distinct from the Z9 powered by Snapdragon 7 Gen 3, set for release in China. iQOO confirmed that the Z9, with the Dimensity 7200 chip, will be the fastest phone in its category. They’ve been teasing the green variant and just released a poster confirming two color options.
The poster says the iQOO Z9 5G comes in Brushed Green and Graphene Blue. iQOO also reveals the main specs of the device. Both colors have a cool pattern on the back and a black camera module that stands out.
iQOO Z9 Indian variant Specifications
The iQOO Z9 will feature a vibrant AMOLED display with a peak brightness of 1800 nits. It will have a 120Hz refresh rate and a 300Hz touch sampling rate. Audiophiles will appreciate its dual speaker setup.
With a slim profile of 7.83mm, the device will house a 5,000mAh battery. It will boast a Sony IMX882 50-megapixel primary camera with OIS support for photography. Other specifications remain undisclosed.
Reports suggest the smartphone, powered by Dimensity 7200, will sport a 16-megapixel front-facing camera. It will run on FunTouch OS 14-based Android 14, featuring an in-screen fingerprint scanner, 8 GB of RAM, and either 128 GB or 256 GB of storage. The expected price for the Z9 in the country could be under Rs 20,000 (~$240).