In India, Infinix just released the Smart 8 Plus. They also introduced the regular Smart 8 earlier this month. Soon, the Smart 8 will get a new version with more RAM and storage. This new version is affordable, marking a first in the market. The important specs of this new version are the same as the basic model.
Infinix Smart 8 new storage variant
The new Smart 8 is coming soon with more power! It will have 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, which is double the amount in the basic version (4GB + 64GB). The cost for this upgraded version will be Rs 8,999. You can choose from Galaxy White, Rainbow Blue, Shiny Gold, or Timber Black colors when you buy it on Flipkart.
The Infinix Smart 8 has a big 6.6-inch HD+ display that’s super clear and smooth with a 90Hz refresh rate. It’s bright too, with 500 nits brightness. There’s a small hole in the screen for notifications. The power button is also a fingerprint scanner, and the back of the phone has a cool gradient design.
The camera on the back is square and has a powerful 50MP main sensor, along with an AI lens and LED flash. If you like taking selfies, there’s an 8MP front camera too.
Inside, the Smart 8 runs on a Helio G36 processor, making everything run fast and smooth. You can also add more storage with a microSD card, up to a huge 2TB. The phone has a big 5,000mAh battery that lasts a long time, and it can charge at 10W. The Infinix Smart 8 comes with the latest Android 13 operating system right out of the box.