
Elon Musk pulls out of $44 billion Twitter deal, social network plans

Elon Musk pulls out of $44 billion Twitter deal, social network plans to pursue legal action. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, announced his intent to buy Twitter in April in a deal worth $44 billion. However, he postponed the acquisition based on tweet spam bot data.


The billionaire had to pay a USD 1 billion breakup fee if he could not complete the merger. He will have to take strong measures and make solid arguments to avoid paying this fee. Twitter’s negotiations were a rollercoaster ride since the beginning, and we are still waiting for what will happen with legal action or if both parties reach a settlement.


Robiul Islam

I'm a tech lover and also love to write about tech gadgets and mobiles. I am all about creativity with a purpose. Your satisfaction is my first priority.

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