Apple is now barred from importing and selling iPhone 12 and 13 in Colombia

Apple is now barred from importing and selling iPhone 12 and 13 in Colombia. The Apple subsidiary has until 2020 to halt iPhone sales in Colombia, which are now slated to happen through the Colombian court’s ruling. This is the first major victory for Ericsson and a significant blow to Apple after the two companies renewed legal hostilities earlier this year over licensing fees.
Apple is now barred from importing and selling iPhone 12 and 13 in Colombia
The argument is over Standard-Essential Patents (SEP patents), which cover 5G connectivity configurations that allow phones and tablet devices to connect to mobile networks with that same speed. Apple accepts the validity of the patents, but it believes that Ericsson is charging too much for them as they are only worth 2% royalties per phone purchase or $15-$30 on new devices.
Therefore, the company is obligated to stop production of iPhones 12 and 13 series plus newer iPads with 5G coming out soon in Colombia and stocks already sold over their websites and online stores. Furthermore, there will be a block on any imports of these products. The Colombian court also granted an “anti-anti suit injunction,” preventing Apple from using a court in another country to pressure Ericsson into lifting the import and sales ban here in Colombia.