Apple is allegedly developing a laptop with a foldable screen

Apple is allegedly developing a laptop with a foldable screen. With its Zenbook Fold range, Asus has been the pioneer of the folding-screen laptop, but there may soon be some significant competition for it. Apple is reportedly developing a laptop with a foldable screen, according to a story from Korea.
The business is reportedly discussing releasing a MacBook with a foldable screen with suppliers. If this product is successful, it will stimulate the currently slow display market. After being unveiled in 2025, it will made available in 2026.
Given that the smartphone market already mostly saturated, Korean display manufacturers like Samsung Display and LG Display recently made significant investments in OLED panels for laptops. Both businesses are presently “coordinating development and production plans for foldable OLED panels for laptops” as their still-emerging market expands.
Apple is allegedly developing a laptop with a foldable screen
Apple‘s purchase would undoubtedly have a significant impact on this still-small market. The source of the article claims that even while achieving high pixel density becomes more challenging as display sizes increase, more extensive displays will invariably be more profitable for panel manufacturers.
Nevertheless, foldable displays for laptops are more profitable than foldable displays for smartphones, which will undoubtedly present a significant potential for display manufacturers to generate extra revenue shortly.